Clinical Faculty - Emergency Medicine Residency Program
Carl R. Darnall Army Medical Center, Fort Hood Texas
Belton, Texas
CPT(P) Thomas W. Riney, MD, FAAEM is an Emergency Physician practicing in Central Texas. He attended Medical School at the University of Louisville School of Medicine and completed internship and residency at the Carl R. Darnall Army Medical Center in Fort Hood, Texas. After serving as Chief Resident with special focus on education, CPT(P) Riney remained at Darnall, where he now serves as Assistant Medical Director for the Department of Emergency Medicine and covering night staff for their Medical Intensive Care Unit. His interests include resident education, temperature management following cardiac arrest, as well as Farm and Ranch Medicine.
Geriatric Polypharmacy: Out of Scope but in Focus
Monday, April 24, 2023
4:50 PM – 5:10 PM CST