Push-Dose Pressors: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Monday, April 24, 2023
3:55 PM – 4:05 PM CST
Location: Salon ABC-3rd Floor
CE: 0.25 Credits
Paul S. Jansson, MD, MS, FAAEM: No financial relationships to disclose
Long-used by anesthesiologists in the operating room, push-dose pressors have recently entered the armamentarium of the emergency physician. Packing quite a punch in a small package, push-dose pressors can help rescue the acutely hypotensive patient, but can also create problems if used incorrectly. In this talk, we will review the commonly utilized push dose pressors, dosing and clinical indications, as well as discuss some of the common pitfalls and how you can prevent them on your next clinical shift.
Learning Objectives:
After the session, the learner will be able to choose the appropriate push-dose pressor for the clinical scenario.
After the session, the learner will be able to appropriately dose the push-dose pressor for several common clinical scenarios.
After the session, the learner will be able to describe common errors in push-dose pressor use and how to avoid them.